Thursday, July 30, 2009

What do you do about your backache??

i am 9 weeks, and it is horrible. i love to blame it on my epidural with my first, but ive really always had back problems. it just got worse after that. i am hair stylist on top of all of it, but i mostly sit in a saddle chair with back support to color and cut peoples hair, so i am not on my feet. i have one of those lavender and flax seed pillows that you warm in the microwave, it doesnt get that hot, not hot enough to hurt anything, but it still scares me. so what do you do?? like excercises, icy hot?? tylenol??

What do you do about your backache??

I jump off the empire state building, hopefully it will put my spine back in place.

What do you do about your backache??

You need to sleep on your side with a pillow between your legs. I would also try going to a chiropractor.

What do you do about your backache??

the doctors have prescibed me about 5 or 6 different pain killers and mussle relaxers that I am also out of options. but I have noticed that if i sit in the shower with the nozzle on massage mode and just let it beat on my back it seems to releive the pain enough so that I can get through the day. so if you find another way you let me know.

What do you do about your backache??

well theres alot of exercise for pregnant people that are to strenghten ure back and make it more flexible i started doing them like 2 weeks ago still dont see much of a change but i mean its better than just suffering with the back pain its so annoying im 18 weeks with my first and i had never had such back pain ever! also i heard its ok to put the like icy hot to relieve the pain oh and at night when ure going to sleep to put a pillow between ure legs so it helps with ure back goodluck and congratulations!

What do you do about your backache??

i like to use a heating pad. if you cant use that use one of those heating back patches. this is just to show you what i'm talking about.

you could also try acupuncture.

What do you do about your backache??

Ask a few friends or family if they have a trusted chiropractor. If they don't then ring around a few and explain that you are pregnant. I went to a chiro when I was pregnant with my first because I had bad hips. Instead of doing all the "bone crunching" that they usually do he used more gentle forms of manipulation to help me out. It really worked. Maybe you should try standing a little at work, but also look at the way you move, lean and twist while you are doing peoples hair. You may inadvertently twisting the wrong way and aggravating the problem.

Oh and one more thing I would not use they heat pack. Lavender is sometimes used for women who suffer period pain, as it helps. Therefore the aroma could stimulate your reproductive organs and cause miscarriage or complications. It doesn't always, but there is a risk.

i don't know if any of this will help.

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